Post by GaryAnybody have any recommendations for a new VCR? Just looking for a basic
VCR that has a tuner. It doesn't have to record DVD's. In fact I'd rather
it didn't. A combo DVD player and VCR would be okay but not necessary.
I suggest trying a local thrift shop. I buy them almost for kicks now
at the local Goodwill. I mean, it's a joke. Today I bought a
Mitsubishi HS-U748, a very late model S-VHS machine that can sell on
eBay for up to $90, for $4. The mechanism is in mint condition and
the only cosmetic issues were handling/contact marks probably incurred
in the donation process.
Generally speaking, you can buy most Mitsubishis and Panasonic
Omnivisions without even testing them. They're extremely durable,
rugged machines. At worst, some Mitsubishis require a new capstan
belt. Omnivisions almost never need a thing.
JVCs are great machines but are somewhat riskier. Some models have
capacitor problems, and the S-VHS models are pretty notorious for
having mode-switch issues.
Only trick is the remotes. Rarely are they sold with the VCR in
thrift shops. So remotes are a separate undertaking. As it happens,
I have the remote for the HS-U748 because I buy any Mitsubishi remote
I can find for under $2-$3.
I can buy these things for years and never spend more than I spent for
VCRs I bought in the early-mid 1990s.